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Benefits of Joining

Join Dementia MapDementia Map offers many benefits for those who provide products and services to the dementia community. It is always a challenge to expand your brand visibility in an effective way that doesn’t upset your budget.

Dementia Map is the answer!

Quick Reference + Details

Dementia Map Benefits of JoiningThe Dementia Map Benefits Guide (PDF) is a simple tool to help you share this valuable information with colleagues.

Right click HERE to save a copy, then read on to learn more details about each benefit.

Benefits Explained

Let’s dive deeper in the details. Not only are there many benefits to listing your product or service in the Dementia Map Resource Directory, but many of these benefits have multiple aspects. The following expands on the topics shown in the Dementia Map Benefits Guide:


Participate on a FREE or LOW-COST basis, eliminating any financial barriers.

It takes money to run a business, but effectiveness doesn’t have to be expensive. We keep costs reasonable by eliminating the common referral fees and affiliate relationships from the Dementia Map model. Everyone should have access to valuable information and that is made possible by offering an inexpensive solution.

Expand your brand footprint and increase traffic to your resources through listings, banner ads, blog posts, events, and more – all available 24/7.

The Pro and Featured Plans provide for additional visibility throughout the site. Your listing of course describes you in detail, but Pro Plan members are allowed banner ads in the sidebar. Featured Plan members can also display ads in the header, footer, and Glossary as well.

You also have the opportunity to publish articles through the Dementia Map blog. Topics can be anything within your sphere of expertise. If you’d care to expand on any of the topics shown in the Glossary, we’ll link to your article for visitors to get even more expert information.

Finally, list your upcoming events in the Event Calendar for global visibility. Dementia Map visitors are hungry for information in all formats and an event – online or in person – is a great way to learn.

Individuals living with dementia and those who care for them seek helpful information around the clock. Their needs are not confined to a neat 9-5 weekday schedule. Dementia Map is designed for easy access to your information whenever it’s needed.

Be found through many search methods, from simple search terms, to listings in any one of the many categories, to a fully interactive map to highlight your physical locations.

People “don’t know what they don’t know.” We recognize trying to develop a caregiving plan is intimidating when the caregiver isn’t fully aware of the available tool set. This is especially true for those just recently receiving a dementia diagnosis. Dementia Map’s vast number of resource categories keeps things organized. But more importantly, it helps visitors know what’s possible and makes it easy to find what they need.

Highlight your communities and physical locations through the interactive GEO mapping function as yet another way for Dementia Map visitors to find you.

Allow your target markets to connect with your organization directly with no middleman leveraging referral fees or affiliate agreements.

When a visitor clicks on your link, they are sent directly to you. First, that’s the respectful way to help them connect with valuable resources: directly. Secondly, by not using the referral fee or affiliate model, your overall customer acquisition costs are kept to a minimum.

Built-in social media sharing tools allows you to easily share with your community and for visitors to share with theirs.

Dementia Map offers a variety of ways to make your information “go viral.” Your profile page has Twitter and Facebook buttons shown right at the top, to allow visitors to tweet or share with their followers. There are also quick share buttons on the sidebar and at the bottom of each page. The more who know, the more who can benefit!

Event Promotion

Easily communicate your organization’s events to your target market.

Pro and Featured Plans are able to share events on the Events Calendar. There is a surging number of online events, helping many connect who might not otherwise be able to do so. Any event becomes a highly targeted and visible way for your brand to deliver value to those seeking helpful information.

Prevent scheduling conflicts by seeing what’s already scheduled globally.

In addition to expanding the visibility of your scheduled events, you can use the Events Calendar strategically to plan events. No one benefits if you unknowingly scheduled an event in conflict with another. Attendance is diluted. By seeing all dementia community events in one place, you can make better planning decisions and maximize the attendance and participation.

Ease of Use

Independently create an account and pay online.

Dementia Map could not be any easier to use. You can enter your basic profile and contact information and set up your account in less than 5 minutes. Then, take your time to strategically build your full profile, sharing the value you offer to the dementia community.

Secure credit card processing using Stripe, the industry leader.

Dementia Map uses as its credit card provider. No processor is as sophisticated nor as security-concious as Stripe. When you create an account, the Dementia Map system will generate a very secure password and email it to you. You are welcome to use it or request a new one to be generated at any time.

Easily edit your account details as needed to reflect changing business needs.

Since you create and maintain your account, you are in full control. If your messaging changes with the seasons, no problem. Log in and update your narrative. Do you offer specials and discounts? Great! Featured Plans have that capability. Dementia Map helps you adapt!

Use Dementia Map to share educational information and resources with your staff, clients, and families.

None of us can know it all. By focusing on providing the most comprehensive collection of resources, in a very wide variety, your organization can tap the information you need for customers, clients, and colleagues. This becomes a virtuous cycle: the more who participate, the better it gets. The better it gets, the more who visit. Dementia Map becomes your “information repository.”

Raise your leadership position by participating in a global effort to share resources and improve dementia care around the world.

Visit our Plans and Pricing page today to select the plan that’s right for you!


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