Member Library

Submitting a Blog Post

Dementia Map BlogDementia Map Blog posts are a valuable way for you to share your expertise, perspectives, and advice with the Dementia Map community. You’ve no doubt seen how we promote blog posts via our “On the Dementia Map Blog” social media postings.

Submit a post: help us help you promote your brand!

You can write anything you like that you believe would be helpful to the Dementia Map community. However, articles are best positioned as content in one of our main categories of:

  • Activities
  • Education
  • Glossary
  • Housing
  • Media
  • Products
  • Support Services
  • Business to Business (B2B)

The process to submit a post is quite simple. This article will spell out the steps to submit your blog post.

We STRONGLY RECOMMEND writing a unique article. Since our strategy is to help expand your visibility, we don’t want to run the risk of the search engines seeing it as duplicated content.

The Blog: It’s for Everyone

Every Dementia Map member can submit blog posts. How often you can submit varies by which plan you have:

  • Featured Plan: Monthly
  • Pro Plan: Quarterly
  • Starter Plan: Annually

Teaching is Selling

The purpose of the Dementia Map Blog is to help you as members raise your visibility with the Dementia Map audience. It’s not a place to “sell” your offering, but to “teach” the audience by  sharing helpful and actionable advice and perspectives. When you do that, you subtly let them know you are the “Subject Matter Expert.” That’s the selling part!

There is no reason NOT to share your perspectives and raise your visibility. Here’s how:


Your article must be in a document formatted for Word, Mac Pages, or in PDF text. Those files end in .doc, .docx, .pages, or .pdf.

Your images must be in either JPEG/JPG or PNG format. Those files end in .jpeg, .jpg, or .png.

If you want to embed a video, just include a link to where it resides on either YouTube or Vimeo.

In all cases, indicate in your document where you would like to have links, display images, or embed video.


To maximize the value for readers as a valuable piece of content, we suggest 1,200 words or more. That isn’t a requirement – you may need fewer or many more words to adequately tell your story, and that is fine. However, if you need a good target, 1,200 is the place to start.

Your Identity

When publishing your blog post, we take great care to brand the article carefully. Sharing your expertise is valuable to our community – sharing your brand is important to us. We use a standard Author identity format at the beginning and at the end of each article. We share links to both your website and your Dementia Map profile.

Dementia Map Author Bio
Sample Dementia Map Author Bio Format


Easy Submit via Email

Once you have your materials ready to be published, just send them via email to

Once we receive your materials, we’ll do the magic at this end, adding formatting, links, video embeds, etc. Once published, you’ll have a chance to tweak things a bit if you wish.

Important Copyright Notice!

It is critical that we only publish material to which you hold the copyright. If you wrote the article, great. If you took the photos or created the graphics, great.

However, only copyright-free photos will be used and must include attribution where required. The last thing we want to do is run afoul of copyright laws.

If you have any questions about an image or other file with respect to copyrights, let’s talk.

Article Ownership

Speaking of copyright, let’s be clear: you own the content you write. Dementia Map works hard to format your article to show that it came from you. By providing it to Dementia Map, you are allowing us to use it in our blog and to use it to help promote you.

However, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that the material you submit to be displayed in the Dementia Map Blog be unique and not published elsewhere. The reason? We want to expand your visibility and not hinder it. The search engines don’t like duplicated content.

Get Started Today!

That’s it. That’s all it takes to get started publishing to the Dementia Map Blog.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

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